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List of Subject-Specific Competences

1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and other basic subjects.
Commentary: Knowledge of Mathematics, Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Geology, Ecology forms the basis for the good understanding of the engineering sciences and provides intellectual tools of graduates of civil engineering programme.
2. .An ability to use knowledge of mechanics, applied mechanics and of other core subjects relevant to civil engineering.
Commentary: Mechanics, applied mechanics (strength of materials, structural mechanics, soil mechanics, fluid mechanics & hydraulics) reinforced concrete, steel structures, engineering surveying, building materials, computer science and computational methods, construction technology & organization, buildings construction, transport engineering, water structures and water management, environmental engineering are among the core subjects for civil engineering programmes, as established within EUCEET Thematic Network on the base of a wide inquiry among European civil engineering faculties. The core subjects are subjects common to all degree courses in the civil engineering field, regardless of the specialization.
3. An ability to design a system or a component to meet desired needs.
Commentary: Design is at the heart of civil engineering and is where graduates of civil engineering programmes demonstrate their depth and breadth of knowledge and skills. Design encompasses a wide range of works from, for instance, structural components (beams, columns, slabs etc) and simple systems (concrete footings, cofferdams, concrete or steel frames, embankments, etc) to complex civil engineering works (large dams and bridges, multi-storey buildings, offshore structures etc). Design methodology includes problem definition, analysis, risk assessment, environmental impact statements, safety, constructability, sustainability. Other important design elements are: estimating engineering costs; interaction between planning, design and construction; and life-cycle assessment.
4. An ability to identify, formulate and solve common civil engineering problems.
Commentary: Assessing situations in order to identify problems, formulate alternatives and recommend feasible solutions is an important aspect of the professional responsibilities of the graduate of a civil engineering programme.
5. An ability to identify, formulate and solve complex civil engineering problems.
Commentary: Solving complex civil engineering problems, would require from the graduate, in addition to the ability to identify and formulate the problem, experience in performing numerical analysis and parametric analysis by using adequate computer codes, in assessing critically the results, in assessing risks, selecting constructions methods a.s.o.
6. An understanding of the interaction between technical and environmental issues and ability to design and construct environmentally friendly civil engineering works.
Commentary: Civil engineers must be aware that the built environment they create always interferes with the natural environment. The changes introduced by their activity cannot damage this environment, should be friendly not only for people but for all living nature, as well. This refers to the aesthetic aspects, too.
7. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as analyse and interpret data.
Commentary: Civil engineers frequently design and conduct field and laboratory studies, gather data, analyze and interpret the results. The graduate of a civil engineering programme should be able to do this in at least one major civil engineering areas, such as geotechnics, transportation, water resources a.s.o.
8. An ability to identify research needs and necessary resources.
Commentary: Complex civil engineering projects often require undertaking research activities to support the design. The graduate should be able to identify the appropriate area of research.
9. An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools, including IT, necessary for engineering practice.
Commentary: This includes the role and use of appropriate information technology, contemporary analysis and design methods, and applicable design codes and standards as practical problem solving tools to complement knowledge of fundamental concepts.
10. An ability to apply knowledge in a specialized area related to civil engineering.
Commentary: Examples of specialized technical areas related to civil engineering are: structural engineering, water resources engineering, transportation engineering, geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, construction engineering and management, public works management.
11. An understanding of the elements of project and construction management of common civil engineering works.
Commentary: Important elements of the constructions activity involve constructions processes, methods, systems; equipment; planning; safety; cost analysis and cost control; labor issues. Projects management essentials include project manager responsibilities, defining and meeting client requirements.
12. An understanding of the elements of project and construction management of complex civil engineering works.
Commentary: In addition to the elements of the construction activity underlined for the previous specific competence, in the case of complex civil engineering works other elements are of relevance, such as owner-engineer-contractor relationship; project delivery systems; estimating construction costs; bidding by contractors; labor management issues etc. Project management essentials include project manager responsibilities, defining and meeting client requirements, risk assessment and management, contract negotiations, preparation and monitoring etc.
13. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility of civil engineers.
Commentary: The graduates of civil engineering programmes should be aware of the responsibility of the civil engineer for the public safety, health and welfare. They need demonstrate an understanding of and a commitment to practice according to the fundamental canons of ethics.
14. An understanding of the impact of solutions for civil engineering works in a global and societal context.
Commentary: Graduates of civil engineering programmes need to appreciate, from historical and contemporary perspectives, the technical, environmental, societal, political, legal, aesthetic, economic and financial implications of civil engineering projects.
15. An ability to communicate effectively.
Commentary: The graduates of civil engineering programmes should prove abilities in reading, speaking and writing, not only in their native language, but also in at least one foreign language. They should be able to present and communicate technical information to a range of audience and be versatile with graphics, the worldwide web and other communication tools.
16. An understanding of the role of the leader and leadership principles and attitudes.
Commentary: Graduates of civil engineering programmes, who might well, during their professional career, reach positions of leadership, should be aware of the attitudes conducive to such positions and of the desirable behaviors of leaders.
17. A recognition of the need for, and the ability to engage in, life-long learning.
Commentary: Life-long learning is crucial for personal and professional development of every individual. This includes continuing education and professional practice experience. Personal and professional development includes: permanent complementing of knowledge and improving professional skills, developing communication skills and broad education in new disciplines connected with civil engineering. This can be achieved by self-education, by post-graduate studies, by active involvement in professional societies a.s.o
18. An ability to function in multi-disciplinary teams.
Commentary: Graduates of civil engineering programmes should be able to participate as a member of a team or to become eventually the leader of a team, which requires understanding team formation and evolution, collaboration with various personalities, co-operation among diverse disciplines a.s.o