List of Subject-Specific Competences
1. Show a broad knowledge and understanding of the essential features, processes, history and materials of System Earth.
2. Recognize the applications and responsibilities of Earth Science and its role in society.
3. Show adequate knowledge of other disciplines relevant to Earth Science.
4. Demonstrate the ability to perform independent, original and ultimately publishable research in the field of Earth Sciences.
5. Capacity to perceive and understand the spatial and temporal dimensions of geological processes and their effects on the planet.
6. Independently analyse earth materials in the field and laboratory and to describe, analyse, document and report the results.
7. The application of simple quantitative, including geospatial, methods to Earth systems.
8. Be able to define, determine and implement a strategy for solving an Earth Science problem and to produce a substantial report or thesis.
9. The ability to advise on the use of natural resources in the drawing up of development policies, legislation, plans and programmes.
10. A capacity for observing and understanding the environment.
11. The ability to employ good professional practices (e.g. legal, safe, responsible, environment and sustainable).
12. An appreciation of natural hazards, their origins and relevance to society.
13. Rigour in sample-taking and data gathering and in their processing, analysis and interpretation.
14. The capacity to gather, process and interpret, both qualitatively and quantitatively, data from different sources.
15. Appropriate Earth Science mapping skills (e.g. Chart reading, geological mapping, geological section drawing).
16. Skills relevant to all major employment sectors in the Earth Sciences.
17. Be familiar with theoretical basics of Earth Sciences and relevant research methodology.
18. Independently conduct search (including internet based and field search), collection, processing and comment on simple general Earth Science data, analyze, document and report the results.
19. Be able to read and interpret cartographic data.
20. Be able to orientate in space during field work using topographic maps and other means.
21. Show adequate knowledge of Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
22. To know and apply rules of conduct in the field and laboratory, including safety measures.
23. Ability to organize field work, including safety measures.
24. Be familiar with global level societal and natural development processes.
25. To be able to understand the interactions of natural or societal development processes and test the results of these.