List of Subject-Specific Competences
1. Ability to communicate in one’s own and foreign languages using the appropriate terminology in this subject area.
2. Ability to identify and utilise appropriately sources of information (bibliography, documents, websites, etc.) in all relevant areas.
3. Ability to organise complex research results in a coherent form.
4. Ability to work in a multicultural team.
5. Ability to work on an interdisciplinary area.
6. Ability to undertake field investigations and surveys using appropriately sensitive methodologies.
7. Ability to reflect on one’s own values and to question concepts, ideas and theories
8. Awareness of and ability to use different disciplinary methodologies in an integrated way.
9. Ability to comment on or annotate documents appropriately in relation to critical issues in European Studies.
10. Ability to interpret European events, developments and policies in national, regional and local frameworks.
11. Awareness of the complexity of the process of wider European Co-operation.
12. Awareness of and respect for points of view deriving from different European national and cultural backgrounds.
13. Awareness of and respect for points of view deriving from non-European national and cultural backgrounds.
14. Awareness of the relevance of European Studies in the contemporary development of Europe.
15. Awareness of the debates about European citizenship and European identity.
16. Knowledge of modern European history in a comparative perspective.
17. Knowledge of ideas of Europe.
18. Knowledge of Europe’s changing role in the world.
19. Ability to define suitable research topics contributing to debates on European integration.
20. Awareness of the complexity of the EU enlargement and integration processes.
21. Awareness of the social chapter (welfare state, employability, higher education, etc.) in the framework of the EU integration process.
22. Knowledge of integration theories.
23. Knowledge of the history of European integration.
24. Knowledge of European Union institutions and decision-making processes.
25. Knowledge of European Union policies.