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List of Subject-Specific Competences

1. A critical awareness of the relationship between current events and processes and the past.
2. Critical awareness of differences in historiographical outlooks in various periods and contexts.
3. Critical awareness of and respect for points of view deriving from other national or cultural backgrounds.
4. Critical awareness of the on-going nature of historical research and debate.
5. Awareness of the social role of the historian, the uses and the abuses of history.
6. Knowledge of the general chronological framework of the past.
7. Knowledge of the issues and themes of present day historiographical debates.
8. Ability to communicate orally in one’s own language using the terminology and techniques accepted in the historical profession.
9. Ability to communicate orally in other languages using the terminology and techniques accepted in the historical profession.
10. Ability to read historiographical texts or original documents in one’s own language; to summarise, transcribe and catalogue information as appropriate.
11. Ability to read historiographical texts or original documents in other languages; to summarise, transcribe and catalogue information as appropriate.
12. Ability to write in one’s own language using correctly the various kinds of historiographical writing.
13. Ability to write in other languages using correctly the various kinds of historiographical writing.
14. Knowledge of and ability to use information retrieval tools, such as bibliographical repertories, archival inventories, e-references.
15. Knowledge of and ability to use specific tools to study sources (for example, palaeography, epigraphy).
16. Ability to use computer and Internet resources and techniques for elaborating historical or related data (using, for example, statistical or cartographic methods, or creating databases).
17. Knowledge of ancient languages.
18. Knowledge of local and regional history.
19. Knowledge of one’s country’s history.
20. Knowledge of the history of Europe.
21. Detailed knowledge of one or more historical periods.
22. Knowledge of world history, global processes and interconnections.
23. Awareness of and ability to tools of other human sciences (for example, literary criticism, history of language, art history, archaeology, anthropology, law, sociology, philosophy, economics).
24. Awareness of methods and issues of different branches of historical research (economic, social, political, gender-related, history of science, history of ideas etc.).
25. Ability to define research topics suitable to contribute to historiographical knowledge and debate.
26. Ability to identify and utilise appropriately sources of information (bibliography, documents, oral testimony etc.) for research projects.
27. Ability to organise complex historical information in coherent form.
28. Ability to communicate historical knowledge to a broader public.
29. Ability to comment, annotate or edit texts and documents correctly according to criteria accepted in the discipline.
30. Knowledge of the didactics of history.