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List of Subject-Specific Competences

1. To perform general, special physical and mental examination of the patient according to the requirements set forth in the medical standard of the general practitioner.
2. To choose, prescribe and perform medical (diagnostic) tests and to diagnose health problems and diseases provided in the medical standard of the general practitioner.
3. To establish, prescribe and administer the treatment of health problems (diseases) diagnosed to the patient, to formulate the plan for the restoration of the patient’s health in line with the requirements of the medical standard of the general practitioner.
4. To prescribe medicine being aware of its indications, contraindications and side-effects; also indicators pointing to the need for a consultation by a specialised doctor and hospitalisation.
5. To provide emergency medical care to patients (in case of a trauma, accident, poisoning, acute illness, to patients in labour, etc.).
6. To enter data on case history (anamnesis), examination, diagnosis, prescribed treatment, tests, preventive measures, the results of treatment, tests and preventive measures, and the patient’s condition in medical documents.
7. To issue all kinds of prescriptions, certificates of sick leave, certificates of maternity leave, death certificates, and to fill out other primary healthcare medical documents.
8. To carry out expert examination of temporary incapacity, disability and level of incapacity of work.
9. To carry out preventive healthcare programmes and programmes for the improvement of health (preventive vaccination, etc.)
10. To advocate, teach persons and families to lead a healthy life, improve their health, take disease preventive measures, hygiene skills, and to encourage them to give up bad habits.
11. To consult (also by telephone) patients and their family members.
12. To use consulting skills (consulting techniques, patterns, encouragement of the patient to cooperate during consulting, resolution of a conflict situation, giving of a bad news, etc.), to provide explicit and concise information to the patient.
13. To assess psychological and social needs of the patient; the relationship between the patient’s health condition and his/her physical and social environment.
14. To cooperate with other specialists (healthcare staff, other general practitioners, specialised doctors, social workers, etc.).
15. To cooperate with various authorities (public health centres, police, when providing respective information).
16. To use information technologies in the field of medicine (e.g. e-health).
17. To use knowledge gained in medicine-related subjects (physics, biochemistry, general and bioorganic chemistry, general and human biology, general and human genetics, biochemistry, human anatomy, histology, physiology, microbiology, pharmacology, pathology, biostatistics, etc.) in practice.
18. To follow the principles of the professional ethics of the doctor, to respect the patients’ rights by not violating them.
19. To apply scientific and evidence-based medicinal principles and methods in the everyday practice of the general practitioner.
20. To be able to reflect upon and improve one’s professional activity (the ability to solve problems and admit one’s boundaries, leadership and decision-making skills, etc.).
21. To improve the professional qualification as provided by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.
22. To follow the requirements of laws and documents regulating professional activities of general practitioners, and legal provisions of medical standards.
23. To apply knowledge of the health policy, social insurance, organisation of healthcare and social security, fundamentals of primary healthcare management, fundamentals of family healthcare and social security, legal and social guarantees of healthcare of women and children.
[cf. also pp. 48-50 of http://www.ects.cr.vu.lt/Files/File/09_Medicine_guidelines.pdf]