List of Subject-Specific Competences
1. Capacity to pose, analyse and solve physical problems, both theoretical and experimental, through the use of numerical, analytical or experimental methods.
2. Capacity to utilise or develop computation systems or programmes for information processing, numerical calculus, simulation of physical processes, or control of experiments.
3. Capacity to identify the essential elements of a complex situation, make necessary approaches and construct simplified models that will describe it in order to understand its behaviour under other conditions.
4. Skill in verifying how well models match reality and in identifying their domain of validity.
5. Skill in applying theoretical knowledge of physics in the undertaking and interpretation of experiments.
6. Capacity to demonstrate a thorough comprehension of the fundamental concepts and principles of classical and modern physics.
7. Capacity to describe and explain natural phenomena and technological processes in terms of physical concepts, theories and principles.
8. Skill in constructing and developing valid argumentations, identifying hypotheses and conclusions.
9. Capacity to summarise particular solutions, extending them to general principles, laws or theories.
10. Capacity to develop a clear perception of how apparently diverse situations present analogies making it possible to apply known solutions to new problems.
11. Skill in estimating the order of magnitude of measurable quantities to interpret diverse phenomena.
12. Capacity to demonstrate experimental skills and use of appropriate working methods in the laboratory.
13. Capacity to participate in professional activities related to high technology both in the laboratory and in industry.
14. Capacity to participate in advising and drawing up science and technology proposals in subjects of national economic and/or social impact.
15. Capacity to act with professional ethics and responsibility, manifesting social commitment to solidarity and justice, as well as respect for nature and the environment.
16. Capacity to demonstrate the work habits required in the profession, such as teamwork, scientific rigour, independent learning and perseverance.
17. Skill in researching, interpreting and using scientific information.
18. Skill in communicating scientific concepts and results, both orally and in writing, to peers or as a teacher, writer or speaker.
19. Ability to participate in the preparation and development of physics or interdisciplinary research projects.
20. Capacity to demonstrate willingness to confront new problems in other fields, using specific skills and knowledge.
21. Knowledge and understanding of the conceptual development of physics in historical and epistemological terms.
22. Knowledge of relevant aspects of the process of teaching and learning physics, showing a willingness to collaborate in educating scientists.