List of Subject-Specific Competences
1. Ability to apply modern technologies of social protection, medical and social support of vulnerable groups.
2. Ability to provide welfare, socio-psychological, socio-economic and socio-legal services to individuals and social groups.
3. Ability for performing mediation, socio-preventive and counselling activities aimed at addressing socialization, habilitation and rehabilitation difficulties.
4. Ability to create a favourable social and psychological environment in social organizations and services.
5. Ability to prevent professional “burnout”.
6. Commitment to professional and ethical requirements in the course of professional activity.
7. Ability to use legislative and other normative acts on federal and regional levels appropriately.
8. Ability to research specific socio-cultural space, infrastructure of social welfare of the representatives of various social groups.
9. Ability to identify, formulate and solve problems in the field of psycho-social, structural and holistic social work, medical and social assistance.
10. Ability to determine scientific and practical value of the currently addressed research problems in social welfare.
11. Capacity to organize and manage work in social institutions and services.
12. Ability to coordinate activities aimed at identifying individuals in need of social protection, medical and social assistance.
13. Ability to participate in the development of social intervention and economic and social scope of project activities of social service agencies.
14. Ability to create social projects tailored to national and cultural space and the characteristics of various national, age and gender and social class groups.
15. Commitment to the development and implementation of pilot and innovative projects for public and corporate social policy to deal with difficult life situations of different social groups.
16. Ability to create social projects to ensure the physical, mental and social health of population groups, involving supplementary funds (fundraising).