List of Subject-Specific Competences
1. Ability to understand mechanism of anthropogenic influence on biosphere – be able to understand the biosphere processes and influence of human being and technical and engineering systems on them.
2. Ability to formulate and defend one’s position in ecological discussion – be able to understand the various points of view, to formulate one’s own point of view and defend it in discussions on environment protection.
3. Ability to understand interrelation of scientific and technical progress and environmental protection – be able to understand tendencies of techniques and technological development, scientific and technical process as a whole and its influence on the environment.
4. Ability to apply principles of rational nature management – be able to apply knowledge of the basic regularities of the functioning of biosphere and principles of rational nature management for solving problems in the field of environmental engineering.
5. Ability to measure environmental parameters – be able to apply basic technical equipment used for environmental monitoring.
6. Ability to predict a state of environment – be able to analyze physical, chemical and biological anthropogenic impact on the environment and to foresee its consequences.
7. Ability to apply the requirements and norms of the ecological legislation – be able to apply requirements and norms of the ecological legislation and ecological standards in practice.
8. Ability to identify and solve problems of environmental protection – be able to understand, analyze and solve problems of environment protection from anthropogenic impact.
9. Ability to carry out techno-ecological analysis – be able to carry out the techno-ecological analysis of economical activities and of technical documentation.
10. Ability to apply principles of ecological safety – be able to apply main principles of ecological safety for protecting personnel and general population from possible consequences of failures and accidents.
11. Ability to formulate ecological design tasks – be able to formulate tasks for the design and survey and design works in accordance with requirements of environmental protection and rational nature management.
12. Ability to understand the impact of technical solutions in a global environmental context – be able to evaluate anthropogenic influence on environment in relation to global and regional ecological problems.