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List of Subject-Specific Competences

1 . Ability to do engineering, technical and financial calculations.
2 . Ability to design and build.
3 . Ability to think spatially.
4 . Ability to model mathematically.
5 . Ability to solve practical engineering problems.
6 . Ability to identify dangers and harmful factors and provide appropriate protection.
7 . Ability to classify and evaluation the type and quality of materials, structures and models.
8 . Ability to identify and correct defects in technological process and technical systems.
9 . Knowledge of and ability to use and follow national and international standards in their field.
10 . Ability to interact professionally in an international context.
11 . Ability to use innovative technologies and new materials in their own field.
12 . Basic knowledge of financial and legal documentation in their field.
13 . Ability to foresee the environmental impact of projects and technological processes .
14 . Knowledge, development and implementation of automatic control systems.
15 . Ability to formulate and solve scientific problems and conduct research in order to get new scientific and practical results.
16 . Ability to generalize from scientific research resultsand use them to solve practical problems in their field
17 . Ability to teach and transfer their own professional knowledge to others.
18 . Ability to use information technology and software in their field.
19 . Ability to improve independently one’s professional and pedagogical skills in his/her field.
20 . Ability to give priority to domestic resources and use them rationally.
21 . Ability to create new technological processes using local resources and materials.
22 . Ability to adapt engineering processes to the cultural or ethnic environment.
23 . Ability to use relevant knowledge of the field to plan and run engineering projects.
24 . Ability to comply with the code of ethics of engineering.
25 . Ability to take sustainability issues into consideration when developing products, components and engineering processes.