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European Studies (Tuning Georgia)

List of Subject-Specific Competences 1. Ability to communicate in one’s own and foreign languages using the appropriate terminology in this subject area. 2. Ability to identify and utilise appropriately sources of information (bibliography, documents, websites, etc.) in all relevant areas. 3. Ability to organise complex research results in a coherent form. 4. Ability to work […]

Tuning Georgia (2007-2009)

Project Title: Application of the Tuning Approaches in Georgian Higher Education System Coordinating institution: University of Groningen Dates: 1 September 2007 – 31 August 2009 Participant countries: Georgia, as well as Netherlands & Spain Subject areas included in the project: Business, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Earth Sciences, Education Sciences, European Studies, History, Mathematics, Nursing, Physics Project objectives: To elaborate new curricula […]