History (Tuning EUI-II)
List of Subject-Specific Competences 1. A critical awareness of the relationship between current events and processes and the past. 2. Ability to comment, annotate or edit texts and documents correctly according to the critical canons of the discipline. 3. Ability to communicate orally in foreign languages using the terminology and techniques accepted in the historiographical […]
Tuning Europe (I-IV) (2000-2009)
Project title: 1) Tuning Educational Structures in Europe (a pilot project) [Tuning EUI] 2) Tuning Educational Structures in Europe – Phase II [Tuning EUII] 3) Tuning Educational Structures in Europe – Phase III: Validation, dissemination and further development [Tuning EUIII] 4) Tuning IV: Curricular Reform Taking Shape. Learning Outcomes and Competences in Higher Education [Tuning EUIV] Coordinating institution: University of Groningen Dates: Tuning EUI: […]