SQF Social Sciences (2008-2010)
Project Title: Tuning Sectoral Framework for Social Sciences Coordinating institution: University of Deusto Dates: 1 February 2008 – 1 June 2010 Participant countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, UK Subject areas included in the project: Business, Education, European Studies, International Relations, Law, Occupational Therapy, […]
Law (SQF Social Sciences)
List of Subject-Specific Competences 1. Knowledge and understanding of principal features and key concepts and principles of the legal system including European and International dimension (including institutions and procedures). 2. Knowledge and understanding of legal principles and values in a wide range of topics extending beyond the core curriculum. 3. Ability to take a sound […]