Project title: Development of the Concept of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) at the National Level: Harmonization of the Credit and Implementation of the Learning Outcomes Based Study Programme Design
Coordinating institutions: Vilnius University and Tuning Association
Dates: 11 September 2009 – 4 June 2012
Participant countries: Lithuania
Subject areas included in the project: Art and Design, English Philology, Social Work, Medicine, Chemistry, Informatics, Music, Public Health
Project objectives: To implement the new credit concept defined in the Law on Education and Studies adopted on April 30, 2009, to achieve a higher degree of consistency with the European higher education institutions and to make optimal use of the advantages of the credit system. The project was aimed at developing a system that would enable higher education institutions in Lithuania to introduce a ECTS principle-based crediting system, i.e., student oriented teaching and dual understanding of academic credit.
Project website: (in Lithuanian)
Outcomes in terms of documents and publications:
To find out more about this project, check the Tuning Research section of the website or contact us directly.