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Project title: Development of the Concept of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) at the National Level: Harmonization of the Credit and Implementation of the Learning Outcomes Based Study Programme Design

Coordinating institutions: Vilnius University and Tuning Association

Dates: 11 September 2009 – 4 June 2012

Participant countries: Lithuania

Subject areas included in the project: Art and Design, English Philology, Social Work, Medicine, Chemistry, Informatics, Music, Public Health

Project objectives: To implement the new credit concept defined in the Law on Education and Studies adopted on April 30, 2009, to achieve a higher degree of consistency with the European higher education institutions and to make optimal use of the advantages of the credit system. The project was aimed at developing a system that would enable higher education institutions in Lithuania to introduce a ECTS principle-based crediting system, i.e., student oriented teaching and dual understanding of academic credit.

Project website: http://www4066.vu.lt/ (in Lithuanian)


Outcomes in terms of documents and publications:

tuning_defaultGuidelines of competence development in the study field of English Philology tuning_defaultGuidelines of competence development in the study field of Chemistry



tuning_defaultGuidelines of competence development in the study field of Art and Design tuning_defaultGuidelines of competence development in the study field of Informatics



tuning_defaultGuidelines of competence development in the study field of Medicine tuning_defaultGuidelines of competence development in the study field of Music



tuning_defaultGuidelines of competence development in the study field of Social Work tuning_defaultGuidelines of competence development in the study field of Public Health



tuning_defaultECTS: History. Implementation. Problems tuning_defaultDegree programme development: methodological guide for study programme teachers



tuning_defaultGuidelines for research of a field of professional activity tuning_defaultRecommendations on competence development and integration of the learning outcome assessment methodology into the internal quality assurance system


To find out more about this project, check the Tuning Research section of the website or contact us directly.