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Project Title: Tuning Middle East and North Africa

Coordinating institution: University of Deusto

Dates:  1 December 2013 – 30 November 2016

Participant countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Netherlands, Palestine, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, UK

Subject areas included in the project: Law and Good Governance including Human Rights; Healthcare and Nursing; Construction Trades, Engineering and Architecture; Tourism

Project objectives:
General objective: To implement Bologna tools in Southern Neighbouring Area universities through building of a framework of comparable, compatible and transparent programmes of studies.

Specific Objectives:
– To apply the Tuning methodology in universities of Southern Neighbouring Area in four subject areas – Law and Good Governance including Human Rights; Healthcare and Nursing; Construction Trades, Engineering and Architecture; Tourism;
– To develop Tuning Reference Points in four subject areas;
– To develop, implement, monitor and improve degree programmes for the first cycle;
– To promote regional and international cooperation between SNA and EU universities.

Project website: http://tuningmeda.org/


To find out more about this project, check the Tuning Research section of the website or contact us directly.