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Project Title: Russian Tuning ECTS based-model for Implementation of the Bologna Process in Human Sciences

Coordinating institution: Milan University (grant holder) & Moscow State University (coordinator)

Dates: 15 June 2007 – 14 June 2008

Participant countries: Russia, as well as Italy & Germany.

Subject areas included in the project: History & Culture Studies

Project objectives: Developing study programmes in subject areas „History” (1st and 2nd cycles) and „Culturology” (Culture Studies) (1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles) based on competences, ECTS credits and modules and in accordance with  Tuning Educational Structures in Europe programme methodology.

Project websitehttp://science.rggu.ru/section.html?id=5261


Outcomes in terms of documents and publications:

tuning_default Booklet for the Subject areas of History and Culturology (English)

tuning_defaultA pocket guide to designing university study programmes in the Bologna framework and based on Tuning methodology. “History.”

[not available online]



tuning_defaultA pocket guide to designing university study programmes in the Bologna framework and based on Tuning methodology. “Culturology”.

[not available online]


.To find out more about this project, check the Tuning Research section of the website or contact us directly.