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Trabajo Social (Tuning Rusia III)

List of Subject-Specific Competences 1. Ability to apply modern technologies of social protection, medical and social support of vulnerable groups. 2. Ability to provide welfare, socio-psychological, socio-economic and socio-legal services to individuals and social groups. 3. Ability for performing mediation, socio-preventive and counselling activities aimed at addressing socialization, habilitation and rehabilitation difficulties. 4. Ability to […]

Tuning Rusia III (2010-2013)

Project Title: Tuning Russia Coordinating institution: University of Deusto Dates: 15 October 2010 – 14 October 2013 Participant countries: Russia, as well as Ireland, Italy, Netherlands & Spain Subject areas included in the project: Ecology, Economics, Education, Environmental Engineering, Foreign Languages, Information and Communication Technologies, Interpreting and Translation, Law, Management, Social Work, Tourism Project objectives: To […]