List of Subject-Specific Competences
1st-cycle Economics degrees:
1. The capacity to demonstrate consistent and coherent understanding of the principles of marco- and microeconomics.
2. The capacity for abstract thinking applied to complex economic systems.
3. The ability to explain the basics working principles of an economic system and how economics agents make decisions.
4. The ability to keep up-to-date with contemporary economic issues and engage in continuous professional development.
5. The capacity to use language and terminology of economics clearly.
6. The ability to articulate critical features and shortcomings in a model or method of economic analysis.
7. The ability to apply economic reasoning and methods effectively in solving general economic issues.
8. The ability to use economic reasoning to formulate and evaluate economic advice and policy.
9. The ability to use relevant data and resources and apply quantitative methods effectively.
10. The ability to discuss effectively economic arguments with specialists and non-specialists (both in writing and orally).
11. The ability to apply proper economic indicators in project work.
12. The ability to be an active member of a research team.
13. The ability to teach economics in secondary school and colleges.
14. The ability to evaluate economic performance of an organization.
2nd-cycle Economics degrees:
1. The capacity to demonstrate consistent and coherent understanding of the principles of marco- and microeconomics.
2. The capacity for abstract thinking applied to complex economic systems.
3. The ability to explain the basics working principles of economic systems and how economic agents make decisions.
4. The ability to keep up-to-date with contemporary economic issues and engage in continuous professional development.
5. The capacity to use language and terminology of economics clearly, including such specialised areas as, for example, markets, finance, health, labour markets, environment, international trade, etc.
6. The ability to create own analytical models and apply them to various economic tasks.
7. The ability to apply economic reasoning and methods effectively to the study of specific topic areas. For example, markets, finance, health, labour markets, environment, international trade, etc.
8. The ability to suggest and promote recommendations for social and economic policy.
9. The ability to produce, find and use relevant data and apply quantitative methods effectively.
10. The ability to elaborate personal opinion in professional issues and defend it in discussions with specialist and non-specialists.
11. The ability to define, justify and apply relevant economic indicators in project management.
12. The ability to lead research teams.
13. The ability to teach economic disciplines at tertiary level.
14. The ability to provide organizations with recommendations on economic performance improvement.