This research project is jointly funded by the European Commission and Lumina Foundation (USA) and is, using a mixed methodology, surveying individuals holding a variety of roles in higher education. In Europe it is being led through the International Tuning Academy.
There is an on-going global debate in higher education about shifting from an expert driven model to a learners’ driven model based on Learning Outcomes/Competences. Higher education institutions are at various stages of the introduction of this model, which matches the European Qualifications Framework for LLL as well as National Qualifications Frameworks.
These approaches are not new across the breadth of higher education, let alone in specific contexts, but how embedded are they (learning outcomes and competences) in our working processes, methodologies of learning, teaching and assessment and attitudes? What is the state of implementation from the perspective of the main stakeholders in the process including academic staff, students, student counsellors and management? Evidence is needed to determine what the pace of implementation is across systems, countries, regions and continents
The surveys are being executed in both Europe and the United States to see how these processes are being applied, implemented and experienced in the different contexts.
The questionnaire is on-line and uses skip logic to minimise the irritation of being asked questions that are not relevant to the respondent’s circumstances. The data collected will be aggregated and no respondent will be identified or identifiable. The data will be published and there will be a systematic dissemination campaign.
We want responses from across the breadth of higher education: from individuals on their own impetus or as a result of communication from their institution or membership group.