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Project title: Integrating Safety and Environment Knowledge In Food towards European Sustainable Development [Thematic Network]

Coordinating institution: Catholic University of Portugal – College of Biotechnology

Dates: 1 October 2005 – 30th September 2008 (ISEKI_Food 2)

Participant countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,  Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK

Subject area(s): Food Studies

Project objectives:
Contribute to the realisation of the European Higher Education Area in the field of Food Studies:
1) Contribute to the implementation of the «Bologna Process»:
2) Contribute for the Tuning of food studies and the implementation of the ECTS system and Diploma Supplement;
3) Contribute for the recognition of degrees at European level;
4) Contribute for the quality assurance of food studies at European level;
5) Enhance the knowledge on food of the general public and consumers;
6) Improve the attractiveness of food topics;

Work on the specific priorities of the SOCRATES Thematic Networks action, which are:
1) Map and update the state of the art in the field of food studies, and explore ways to foster more European cooperation
2) Define and update generic and subject-specific competences, using the Tuning methodology
3) Promote synergies between teaching and research, by encouraging universities to integrate research results in their teaching and link Socrates-Erasmus TNs with the networks funded by the Research DG
4) Activities in the field of quality assurance
5) Reinforce the link between education and society

Project websitehttp://www.esb.ucp.pt/iseki/


Outcomes in terms of documents and publications:

book_whiteTemplate for Summary of Tuning subject area findings for Food Studies

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To find out more about how this project used the Tuning methodology, check the Tuning Research section of the website or contact us directly.