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Project title: EU-US Tuning Follow-Up: Measuring results from Tuning Projects in the EU and the US

Coordinating institution: University of Groningen

Dates: 30 July 2013 – 31 December 2015

Participant countries: US and EU Tuning methodology experts from Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain

Project objectives: To further develop, test, improve and finalise the robust evaluation instruments needed to gather information and thus provide evidence of the relative impact of the Tuning process activities for learning environment stakeholders — graduates, students, academics and employers.

The International Tuning Academy (in close cooperation with Lumina Foundation, USA) is implementing a study on the use of learning outcomes/competences in higher education. The study is funded jointly by the European Commission and Lumina Foundation.

There is an on-going global debate in higher education about shifting from an expert driven model to a learners’ driven model based on Learning Outcomes/Competences. Higher education institutions are at various stages of the introduction of this model.

These approaches are not new across the breadth of higher education, let alone in specific contexts, but how embedded are they (learning outcomes and competences) in our working processes, methodologies of learning, teaching and assessment and attitudes?

As part of this study it is currently executing surveys in both the United States and Europe to see to what extent the Learning outcomes/Competences approach, as the basis for student-centred learning, has been implemented, and how it is experienced by the main stakeholders in the process: academic staff, students, student counsellors and management.

The survey for University staff, management and administrators of European institutions is at


The one for students of European institutions is at:


The survey for University faculty/staff, management and administrators of US institutions is at:


The one for students of US institutions is


It will take around 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. It’s on-line and uses skip logic to minimise the irritation of being asked questions that are not relevant to the respondent’s circumstances. The data collected will be aggregated and no respondent will be identified or identifiable. The data will be published and there will be a systematic dissemination campaign.

Thank you for your cooperation!