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The Tuning Academy offers an opportunity for researchers to conduct an on-site research project in the Tuning Academy Headquarters in Bilbao. With the opportunity to publish the results in an article for the international, peer reviewed journal TJHE. 10 scholarships for 1 month research visits are offered for researchers pursuing topics related to the Tuning Academy’s focus.


analysing and evaluating the impact produced by the Tuning projects at the level of particular higher education programmes/institutions/countries/regions.


approaches to learning, teaching and assessment of generic competences – concrete examples of what is done within higher education degrees accompanied by enhancement proposals based on both theoretical and empirical data.


staff development initiatives that facilitate implementation of competence-based approaches – critical evaluation of their appropriateness and how well they meet the needs of different stakeholders; identification of staff development needs.


curriculum reform and incorporation of the Tuning approach in institutional and national policies.

Eligibility Criteria

There are no limitations as to country of residence, nationality, age or gender. The only formal limitation is a high level of English: selected candidates need to be capable of producing a high-quality academic article in English and of making their end-of-stay public presentation in English.


The Short-Term Visits Scholarships consist of a standard health insurance for the 4 weeks, full or partial reimbursement of the travel costs, and accommodation and maintenance support. No additional money for travel or congress participation will be made available to visiting researchers.

If the visiting researcher does not comply with the Study Visit Plan and requirements as stipulated in “Visiting Researcher Agreement” (to be signed first electronically and then in hard copy upon arrival in Bilbao) the scholarship may be cancelled and the visiting researcher will be obliged to reimburse the cost of both monthly allowance and travel.

What is required from successful grantees

How to Apply

For instructions on how to create a EuroPass CV and the English-language template, click here.

The deadline for submitting applications is 15 May 2016. No applications completed after 23:59 Central European Time on 15 May 2016 will be considered.

Selection Principles

No certificate of English proficiency is required from candidates, but the level of English will be taken into consideration because successful candidates must be able to produce academic publications in English. An international selection panel will evaluate the applications taking into consideration the following criteria:

Self Funded Researchers

Applications for self-funded research visits are accepted anytime. Those interested should follow the application guidelines and their applications will be considered against the same criteria as applications for Short-Term Visit Scholarships. The visit period will need to suit both the researcher’s and DITA’s agendas.