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Project title: Thematic Network for Geography Teaching and Training [Thematic Network]

Coordinating institution: Liverpool Hope University

Dates: October 2003 – September 2006; October 2007 – September 2010

Participant countries: Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chile, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malawi, Malta, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, USA

Subject area(s): Geography

Project objectives:
1) Develop strategies and methods to strengthen forms of cooperation between education institutions and organisations;
2) Contribute to descriptions, analyses and comparisons of Geography and geographical education programmes and policies;
3) Strengthen the links between research, professional training and geographical education.

Project website: http://www.herodot.net/about.html


Outcomes in terms of documents and publications:

book whiteIntroductory paper
published in PLANET
(Explanation why the pilot stakeholder consultation
was to be performed,
with the lists of generic and subject-specific competences consulted and the institutions
who were to participate);

also available here

book whiteTuning Geography: a report of findings and outcomes

To find out more about how this project used the Tuning methodology, check the Tuning Research section of the website or contact us directly.