Project Title: Tuning America Latina: Innovación Educativa y Social (Tuning Latin America: Educational and Social Innovation)
Coordinating institution: University of Deusto
Dates: 3 January 2011 – April 2014
Participant countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela; as well as Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain
Subject areas included in the project: Agronomy, Architecture, Business, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Sciences, Education, Geology, History, Law, Mathematics, Medicine, Nursing, Physics, Psychology
Project objectives:
The General Objective of the Project is to contribute to the creation of a Higher Education Area in Latin America through curriculum convergence.
The Specific Objectives of the current project have been developed on the basis of the agreements reached between the 182 Latin American universities and the benchmarks set by the 18 national governments which participated in the previous phase:
1) Advance the process of competence-based curriculum reform in Latin America, completing the process outlined in the Tuning methodology.
2) Extend the theme of employability within the Tuning Project, developing graduate profiles linked to the new requirements and demands of society, establishing the foundations of a harmonious system which applies this focus to dealing with qualifications.
3) Explore new developments and set up pilot projects in the field of university social innovation, especially, in relation to the Tuning Project theme of citizenship.
4) Incorporate new processes and initiatives, tested in other contexts, for the construction of disciplinary and sectoral frameworks for Latin America.
5) Encourage collaborative construction of methodological approaches to the development and evaluation of competence-based training for the implementation of curricula that contribute to continuous quality improvements, including indicators and thresholds.
6) Design a system of academic credits, which can be both accumulated and transferred, that facilitates the recognition of qualifications within the region of Latin American and is able to be linked with systems in other regions.
7) Strengthen the processes of regional cooperation that support the initiatives of curriculum reform, taking advantage of the skills and experience of the different Latin American countries involved.
Project website:
Outcomes in terms of documents and publications:
Meetings’ Working Documents and Presentations | CLAR. Latin American Reference Credit
ISBN 978-84-15772-33-0 (Digital) English |
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ISUR. Un modelo de evaluación de Innovación Social Universitaria Responsable:
ISBN 978-84-15772-84-2 (Digital) English |
Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Administración
ISBN 978-84-15772-80-4 (Digital) English |
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Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Agronomía
Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Arquitectura
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Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Derecho
Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Educación
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Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Enfermería
Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Física
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Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Geología
Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Historia
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Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Informática
Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Ingeniería Civil
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Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Matemáticas
Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Medicina
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Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Psicología
Educación Superior en América Latina: reflexiones y perspectivas en Química
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To find out more about this project, check the Tuning Research section of the website or contact us directly.