External Evaluator for ECO-CAR project
In line with the project’s proposal, the consortium of the Erasmus+ project entitled “Vocational Training Diploma on Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles” with the acronym “Eco-Car” is looking to hire one External Evaluator, to monitor and evaluate the project’s implementation and ensure the quality and consistency of the project deliverables. Click here to download the terms […]
ALLVET project (HE and VET alliance establishment according to Bologna Principals implementation via VET teachers’ capacity building)
ALLVET project (HE and VET alliance establishment according to Bologna Principles implementation via VET teachers’ capacity building). On December 17th 2020, participants from partner universities of the project had the opportunity to attend online the “Tuning Training on Practical Assessment” directed by Ivan Dyukarev and Samiha Chemli from the University of Deusto. The main objective […]
TUNING-CALOHEE Outcomes Presented
The TUNING-CALOHEE Consortium proudly presents the outcomes of the project Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe. These outcomes are conceptual qualifications and assessment frameworks for five subject areas, chosen to represent significant academic domains: Engineering (Civil Engineering), Social Sciences (Teacher Education), Humanities (History), Health Care (Nursing) and Natural Sciences […]
The DHIP project coordinated by the University of Pisa (Italy) organizes in Deusto a Study Visit Week on the internationalization of the Curriculum. / The DHIP project coordinated by the University of Pisa (Italy) organizes in Deusto a Study Visit Week on the internationalization of the Curriculum.
The University of Deusto participates in the DHIP project (Developing HEIs’ Internationalization Policies) in supporting the strengthening the capacity of Internationalization capacity at Latin American Universities From 23 to 27 September, 17 representatives from 9 Latin American universities (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Universidad Nacional de Lanús and Universidad Nacional de Quilmes from Argentina, Uniempresarial, Universidad […]
Joint International Workshop “Open Science: the competence of scientist of the future”
The Tuning Academy has opened a new line of development activities and celebrated the Joint International Workshop “Open Science: the competence of scientist of the future” from the 17th to the 20th of April 2018 at the University of Deusto, Spain. The participants of the workshop are Evgenyua KARAVAEVA, Executive Secretary, Association of Classical Universities of […]
AUN-QA 2018 International Conference “QA in Higher Education for SDGs: Converging Global Aspiration with National Realities”
Mahidol University, ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) and the Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC) from Thailand, have celebrated in Bangkok from the 26th to the 27th of March 2018, the International Conference “QA in Higher Education for SDGs: Converging Global Aspiration, 2018 with National Realities”. The University of Deusto and the Tuning Academy (Spain) […]
Third General Meeting of Tuning Asia- South East from 20th to 24 rd March 2018
We are glad to inform that The Third General Meeting of the Tuning Asia-South East (TA-SE) will be taking place at the Mercure Jakarta Sabang hotel, in Jakarta (Indonesia), from 20th to 24rd March 2018. Previous to the 3GM, on the 19th March, the Members of the Management Committee and the Members of the Implementation […]
Tuning Methodology Implementation Training, one day Intensive Training Course, organized with the support of Tuning Academy, University of Deusto, Spain by Dr Rashad Brydan and Dr Sabah Lammlon on 9th April at the Omar Al-Mukhtar University (OMU), El-Beida , Libya
During the Intensive Training Course the instructors helped all participants to be familiar with Tuning methodology, planning, techniques and implementation in real life, as well as, how to include generic and specific competences at all courses, how to work out credit units according to the ECTS with integrity of conduct. This staff development promoted a […]
Possibility to apply for a Tuning Short-Term Visits Research Scholarship 2018-2019
Possibility to apply for a Tuning Short-Term Visits Research Scholarship We are happy to announce that Deusto International Tuning Academy will be giving 10 scholarships for 1-month research visits to Bilbao in 2018-2019 academic year. The International Tuning Academy has been established with the aim of : (1) making the results of all Tuning and […]
INVITATION TO TENDER “Equipment for the Tuning Asia-South East project”
University of Deusto, as a coordinator of the “Tuning Asia-South East” project, invites tenders for the “Equipment for the Tuning Asia-South East project” contract that will be funded from the GRANT AGREEMENT 3762, the project number 573760-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. Read full text of Invitation to Tender Prospective tenderers, in order to obtain the tender documents, have to […]
The Implementation Meeting of the Tuning Asia-South East (TA-SE) took place at the University of Deusto last 15-19 January 2018.
The group of academic and management staff from the following institutions: ASEAN Univeristy Network (Thailand), Sanata Dharma University (Indonesia), Universidade do Porto (Portugal), Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), University of Groningen (Netherlands), University of Malaya (Malaysia), University of San Carlos (Philippines) and West Visayas State University (Philippines), have been working on the development of the […]
Tuning Journal for Higher Education, Volume 5, Issue No. 1, November 2017
We have the pleasure to announce the publication of the latest Issue of Tuning Journal (Volume 5, Issue 1) in which various authors reflect on regional responses to Higher Education world-wide challenges. For more information, visit Tuning Journal
The fifth and final General Meeting of Tuning Africa Phase 2 will take place in Brussels, Belgium
From 13th to 15th November 2017, the fifth and final General Meeting of Tuning Africa Phase 2 will take place in Brussels, Belgium. This Brussels meeting will bring together all the actors and partners that for three years have worked hard for the success of this initiative and whose goal is to improve the quality […]
The Second General Meeting of the Tuning Asia-South East Project.
The Second General Meeting of the Tuning Asia-South East project will take place in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) from the 15th to the 19th October 2017. For more information, please visit http://tuningasia-southeast.org
Reference Points in Law, Architecture, Tourism, Nursing for Middle East and North Africa
The main results of the Tuning Middle East and North Africa project – the Reference Points in 4 subject areas as well as Dissemination Booklet – is available in 3 languages (Arabic, English and French) both in electronic and paper printed versions. The e-version of the publications can be downloaded from project web site, page […]
It is to our deep sadness and sorrow to inform that Arlene Gilpin, Tuning Expert and our beloved colleague, peacefully passed away on 08 September 2017
Arlene collaborated with the University of Deusto for a long time, playing a significant role in Tuning since its very beginning, participating in many projects and academic activities. She was a guiding expert in the field of teacher education and curricula design across the world. Her exceptional commitment and contribution towards Tuning shared mission has […]
Article – Towards an academic enterprise
Article. Abstract_Towards an academic enterprise
DITA Visiting Researchers 2014-2015
We are happy to announce that the 6 successful Short-Term Visit Scholarships candidates have been selected and duly notified (by email). Their names, affiliations and research topics will be published on this page shortly. If you have not received an email notification, this means you have not been selected this year. You are, then, more […]